Quick start & demos

What is Pivotal Tracker?

Pivotal Tracker is a straightforward project-planning tool that helps software development teams form realistic expectations about when work might be completed based on the team’s ongoing performance. Tracker visualizes your projects in the form of stories (virtual cards) moving through your workflow, encouraging you to break down projects into manageable chunks and have important conversations about deliverables and scope. As your team estimates and prioritizes those stories, Tracker divides them into future iterations, learning from your team’s natural pace of work to accurately predict when you will complete future work. Tracker’s transparent team view of priorities means that everyone knows what needs to be done, what is being done, and when it will be completed. Tracker’s agile philosophy not only helps your team keep pace and plan work, but adjust and change course when the unexpected happens, so your team can deliver earlier and more consistently.

Pivotal Tracker encourages a practical agile software development process, as pioneered by VMware Pivotal Labs.

Tracker in less than five minutes

Not a Tracker user yet?

  1. Sign up for an unlimited 30-Day Free Trial (no credit card required) or click the link in a project invitation email to set your password and sign in.

  2. Click Create Project on the Dashboard and enter a name to create a new, empty project.

  3. Watch the video that pops up and run through the Feature Tour.

Just been invited to Tracker?

  1. Click the link in the invitation email to set your Tracker password or sign in via Google.

  2. You’ll either go directly to a project, or be able to select one from the Dashboard.

  3. Watch the video that pops up and run through the Feature Tour.

Video Demos

If you have a few more minutes to spare, get to know Tracker better with these short videos. You can watch all of them here, or find them in the relevant topics as you go through the rest of the Getting Started guide.

If you’ve time for a deeper dive, we’ve also provided a pre-recorded “Intro to Tracker” webinar that includes a 20 minute guided tour of Tracker, followed by some great Q&A!

Getting Started (2:50)

This quick tour covers the basics, as well as Tracker's fundamental units of work: stories.

Writing Stories (3:08)

Learn how to write stories, as well as all you need to know to start adding features, bugs, and chores to your project.

Prioritizing and Estimating Complexity (1:46)

Understand how to prioritize your stories in Tracker and estimate their complexity, so you can start to see what can be completed when.

Delivering Stories (1:45)

Follow the process of taking your stories in Tracker from start to delivered.

Velocity and Story Acceptance (2:56)

Make sure your stories are ready for release and learn how Tracker sets your team's velocity.

Intro to Tracker webinar (64:12)

One of our recent webinars, with a tour of Tracker and some great Q&A!
Creating a project