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Category: News (99 posts) Page 4 of 10

Dan Podsedly

New Year, New Tracker, New Pricing


2015 is here, hopefully it’s off to a great start for you and your projects! It’s hard to believe, but Pivotal Tracker will be turning 10 this year. What started as an experimental internal tool at Pivotal Labs, a small consultancy in San Francisco at the time, grew into one of the world’s most popular agile project collaboration apps, bringing focus and transparency to thousands of teams around the world. Read more...

Dan Podsedly

Recent Tracker Outages and Planned Stability Improvements

Pivotal Tracker is a critical tool for thousands of teams, and providing a stable, reliable service is vitally important for us. Uptime is typically in the proverbial “three nines” (99.95% for the first half of the year), but in the last few weeks we’ve experienced a number of unexpected outages. The worst of which was yesterday, lasting almost two hours. This was disruptive to many of you, and we’d like to apologize. Read more...

Mark Michael

May 15th Outage: Post Mortem

Thursday, May 15th, at approximately 3:30pm Mountain Time, our customers experienced 45 minutes of unexpected downtime. The root cause of the problem was a misconfigured load balancer. A planned maintenance event increased the traffic load for a short period of time causing the misconfigured load balancer to behave poorly and eventually fail. This resulted in a cascading event as each load balancer crashed when traffic was diverted to the next available load balancer. Read more...

Volume Inc.

Volume Inc. on Tracker's New Identity and Website


How did this new Pivotal Tracker’s identity system and website come about, anyway? It started with the need for Tracker to align its image and messaging in order to better identify and distinguish the product’s role as the industry leader in project management software. Read more...

Dan Podsedly

Unplanned Tracker Downtime Earlier Today

Pivotal Tracker went down without notice for all users today at 10:50 US Pacific time, for approximately half hour. This happened during a planned release to upgrade our production version of Solr (our search server) , as well as move our Solr-based search service to new hosts, for improved performance as well as improved search functionality. This release, like most of the releases that we do, should not have been noticed or have caused disruption to you in any way. Read more...