Tracker Blog

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Laura Fletcher

A Case Study in Iterating Lean: Reviews

A Case Study in Iterating Lean: Reviews blog post featured image

We hear it all the time: to build impactful products, follow the build-measure-learn feedback loop. But while that sounds clear in theory, it can feel very fuzzy in practice. Tracker would like to share a case study example of how we implemented this process in iterating on our recent Reviews feature. Read more...

Nathan Swain

Managing Reviews Made Simpler!

Managing Reviews Made Simpler! blog post featured image

With the release of our newest major feature (Reviews), we’ve received a record amount of feedback from users like you! We’re using all of this fantastic feedback to shape how Reviews will evolve going forward, and also have some first round improvements that we’re ready to share with you. Read more...

Poornima Vijayashanker

Why You Should Build a Brand-New Product Instead of Rebuilding or Redesigning One

If you’ve been building a product for a while, you know it’s natural to start accruing tech debt and product debt. And there comes a point when it becomes really hard to add new features without paying down the debt through rebuilding or redesigning the product. However, there may come a point when neither of those makes sense, and you may be evaluating building a brand new product. Read more...