Dan Podsedly

Updated Accounts, My Projects, and Profile Pages


We’ve made a few UI changes that make it easier to navigate the world of Pivotal Tracker accounts, update your profile and preferences, and work with all of your projects.

We’ve moved all of the more administrative navigation links to a new dropdown in the top right corner. This is where you’ll find links to your Profile (where you can do things like change your password, update email preferences, etc) as well as to the new Accounts page, and Sign Out. If you’re using Tracker’s simple time tracking functionality, you’ll find the Time link here as well.

New Accounts page

First, what exactly is an account, versus a user login? Let’s ask the Help center:

Accounts in Tracker are separate things from personal user logins. A user’s login is always associated with an individual: their email address, an optional username and their private password. That login can own or be a member of one or more accounts, and accounts are, effectively, containers for projects.

Accounts allow you to group projects. For example, you might create, or be a member of, an account for your company projects, and have a separate one for your personal work. Every project belongs to an account. You can create as many accounts as you’d like. (Read more).

The new accounts page, accessible via the Accounts link the new dropdown in the top right corner of the page, shows you all of the accounts that you are associated with, along with projects in the accounts that you have access to.

For each account, you can see what subscription plan it’s on, as well as how many private projects and collaborators there are in the account. Accounts on this page are grouped as follows:

Accounts that you own: these are accounts that you own, including the one automatically created for you when you signed up for Tracker.

Accounts that you administer: these are accounts that someone else owns, but added you as an administrator to (more on roles here).

Accounts you’re a member of: if you’re a member of projects in someone else’s account, or your company’s account, you’ll see that account listed here, and you can see who owns and administers it (hover over the admins link to see those). The owner or administrator of these accounts may have given you permission to create projects, in which case you’ll see a Create Project button.

Clicking on the Manage Account button for an account that you own or administer allows you to see and change the subscription plan (if you’re the owner), change settings, work with account members, etc.

All Projects page

Previously, projects were grouped by account here, but that made finding the right project(s) hard sometimes. That account grouping is now on the Accounts page, when you need to think about how projects are organized administratively, and the Projects page becomes a simple list of all active projects that you are a member of.

By default, projects are shown in most recently accessed order, so the ones you work with the most should always appear near the top. You can change the sort order to show projects in alphabetical order, by account, or by created date (newest first).

Hover over the cogwheel for various actions including changing project settings, archiving, and deleting.

Clicking the “Show archived projects” checkbox at the top of the page will do, well, just that—show all archived projects.

Creating projects can be done on this page, via the big button, or anywhere else now via the new Create Project option in the Projects dropdown at the top.

Updated Profile Page

There aren’t any functional changes here, but your Profile page looks a bit better now, and allows you to make changes to individual sections without having to scroll up and down to get to the save button.

We hope these changes make it at least a little bit easier to do the more administrative things in Tracker and stay organized. We’d love your feedback on what else we can do, and if you need any help at all, just visit our help and support page.

Stay tuned for what else we’re up to, and what you can expect over the next few months!
