Android v2.1: Tablets and Profile Photos

We’ve updated the Tracker Android app to include profile photos and better support for tablets. Version 2.1 is available on Google Play right this very moment. Read more...
We’ve updated the Tracker Android app to include profile photos and better support for tablets. Version 2.1 is available on Google Play right this very moment. Read more...
As we approach the second birthday of the Tracker Android app—we can still remember when it was just a burping alpha—it’s worth noting how much it continues to improve. On that point, the latest update includes even more functionality that brings the Android of our eye more in line with the Tracker web app. Version 1.2.2 is available now—go get it! Read more...
When the Tracker Team noticed jank while using the new and updated Android application, we straight away went looking for something like Chrome’s Timeline tool. Read more...
On the Tracker team, “rewrite” has come to be a dirty word. With a legacy system that entails as many features as we offer, building from the ground up always takes 4x longer than expected. However, sometimes a codebase reaches a state where it’s the only option, and about a year ago the Tracker Android app and productivity had ground to a halt. Read more...
After months of work and testing, we’re excited to announce the release of v1.0 of the Pivotal Tracker Android app! The app has been re-engineered from the ground up, and shaped by your feedback. Read more...
Since we first released the Android Alpha over the summer, we’ve been hard at work revising and improving it to stay on the path we outlined. And now we’re pleased to release Android v0.9, with a host of updates. Get it now! Read more...
Back in July, on these very Interweb pages, we discussed the release of the Tracker Android Alpha. We explained our reasoning for putting out a less-than-fully-featured app, as well as—framed by a certain Talking Heads song reference—what the road map looked like for subsequent versions. At this point, get your camera and passport ready, because we’re ready to make the next stop on our journey: version 0.8 of the Android Alpha. Read more...
There are all sorts of universal truisms in life: the lure of the cold side of the pillow, the joy of an empty airplane row, the need to release your product’s app on both the iOS and Android platforms. On this last point, Tracker has succeeded at the iOS half of the equation, but lagged behind on the Android front. No longer! We’ve heard (and sympathized with) you, Android users, and we’re pleased to finally release our Android Alpha into the Google Play wild. Read more...