Getting Started With Agile: Responding to Change Over Following a Plan

In this installment, we’ll discuss how you can learn from your product development process so your team can benefit from that learning along the way. Read more...
In this installment, we’ll discuss how you can learn from your product development process so your team can benefit from that learning along the way. Read more...
By directing casual users to a list of epics, we have found that they can stay informed about the product team’s progress without getting mired in the details of the Features backlog. And they are more likely to remain engaged in the agile XP process. Read more...
Ever get the feeling that your team is working on more than what’s actually in the backlog? Even with the best laid plans, there are still many tasks that can lie between the cracks, distracting your team from the work at hand. Read more...
While vanity metrics are often associated with your product, that’s not their only use. In fact, vanity metrics crop up in all aspects of product development, including in your product development process Read more...
Too often, the set of stories that teams select for their iteration has no overarching theme or focus. In fact, while these stories may be individually valuable, at times their selection can appear almost random. Read more...
Prioritizing a single set of work for your team can be hard; prioritizing work across multiple sets of work can be nearly impossible. Read more...
In this installment, we’ll discuss what benefits can be achieved from working to build relationships with your customers and aligning those customers with your team, rather than pitting those groups against one another. Read more...
While it may seem surprising, simply increasing the size of an already successful team is not guaranteed to increase that team’s success and it may even put that team’s chances of future success in jeopardy. Read more...
Backlog refinement is a practice intended to help you keep the top of your backlog in a refined state so you can have better iteration planning sessions. But despite the value backlog refinement can yield, there is no officially prescribed approach for how to do it. However, if you’re looking for a simple way to introduce this practice to your team, then don’t despair: there’s an easy approach that you can use with your team today. Read more...
In this installment, we’ll discuss the importance of delivering working, usable software to your users over simply delivering reams of documentation. Read more...