Dan Podsedly

Pivotal Tracker Has a New Home Within EMC


It’s official: Pivotal Labs, the company that made and owns Pivotal Tracker, has been acquired by EMC, and we are thrilled! You can read all about it here.

What does this mean for Tracker, and more importantly, all of our great customers around the globe? In the near term, it’s business as usual.

Tracker has grown in popularity beyond our wildest expectations these last six years, and we owe that to our extremely loyal and passionate user community. Up until about a year ago, our work on Tracker was focused on our own needs at Pivotal Labs, to allow us to work more efficiently with our clients, and to promote our brand of software development. In other words, we’d been more Pivotal-focused than customer-focused.

That said, we’ve been changing that for a while now. We want to build more of the features you are requesting, we want Tracker to be in more languages than just English, we want to offer more integrations, and the list goes on. Of course, all that takes resources.

Now, we have EMC in our corner. A company with a great reputation, and plenty of resources. They know they’ve acquired a great product as part of the deal, and they are eager to see Pivotal Tracker grow to be the best Agile project management tool in the market.

To all of our customers—thank you! This is a new beginning, and we look forward to serving you better.

