We’ve made some minor changes to Pivotal Tracker this week, and added a few new features. As always, we look forward to you feedback on Satisfaction.
Ability to override length of an iteration
Teams that use longer iterations occasionally run into situations where a particular iteration needs to be of a different length than the rest. One example is a Scrum team, running 3 weeks sprints, that decides to cancel a sprint in the second week. To keep Tracker iterations aligned with real-world cycles/springs, it’s now possible to override how long a particular iteration is or will be, in # of weeks.

Click on the iteration start date to override it’s length, or revert an override. An iteration’s date range will appear in yellow if it’s been overridden. Also, Tracker will automatically adjust how many points worth of stories fit into a longer (or shorter) iteration.
Explicit project start date
Normally, the first iteration of a project begins the week of the date of the first accepted story. For multi-week iterations, it’s sometimes desirable to specify exactly when the project started. You can now do this, using the Start Date field in your project settings.

If a start date is specified, your project will start on that day, or the date of the first accepted story, whichever is earlier.
Preview balloon for story descriptions
Based on popular demand, the preview balloon is back for stories that have a description (but no comments). Note: you can see a preview for all stories by hovering over the story type and estimate icons.
Story labels on the left
We’ve moved the story labels back to the left of story titles. The motivation for moving the labels to the right (in the previous release) was to align story titles vertically, for easier visual scanning. However, we received a lot of feedback that this made it harder to see groups of related stories, for which labels are commonly used for.

We may introduce a way to either hide labels, or configure where they appear, but for the time being, we’ve moved them back where they used to be.
Enhanced project export
It’s now possible to export a subset of the stories in your project, by choosing whether to include done stories, stories in current/backlog, or the icebox.

Current day in Points Breakdown chart
The points breakdown chart now includes data for the current day. Previous day counts are all based on a nightly snapshot, but the current day counts reflect the current state of the project.