We’ve made a few usability improvements to Pivotal Tracker related to viewing and editing of stories, as well as file attachment handling.
All of the story text fields now automatically expand based on the amount of text entered, and they’ll grow as you type. When you expand a story, you’ll now see the entire story title in one glance, even when it’s long. Text fields for story description, comments, and tasks expand as well.

Working with file attachments got a bit easier, too. It now takes fewer clicks to attach a file, and you can upload multiple files at once. In browsers that support it, you can drag files on to the story directly from your desktop. Finally, there’s now a download link next to each file attachment, for easier access to the original file.

These are just the first few of a number of usability improvements. Much more is on the way!
As always, we appreciate your feedback. Let us know what you think in the comments here, or by email.