Android v2.1: Tablets and Profile Photos

We’ve updated the Tracker Android app to include profile photos and better support for tablets. Version 2.1 is available on Google Play right this very moment. Read more...
We’ve updated the Tracker Android app to include profile photos and better support for tablets. Version 2.1 is available on Google Play right this very moment. Read more...
Whether it’s capturing whiteboard scribbles or some bad CSS on a webpage, image attachments have been integral part of a Tracker story. Read more...
A few of us on the Tracker team started to explore different development processes with Tracker since we weren’t really satisfied how our current development and release process were aligned. Read more...
After months of work and testing, we’re excited to announce the release of v1.0 of the Pivotal Tracker Android app! The app has been re-engineered from the ground up, and shaped by your feedback. Read more...
Universal links are now supported! Story, epic, and comment links will now open automatically in Tracker. “Open in App” web interstitials are a thing of the past. Read more...
Story links provide a lightweight way of referencing a story in another story. Simply copy the story ID or story URL and paste it into a description, comment, or tasks. These story links now show you a visual preview of the story’s state. Read more...
The Remember me option is gone, but you haven’t been forgotten… After you sign in, you will remain signed in when the browser restarts. You now need to explicitly sign out before closing your browser, to not be “remembered.” Also, after seven days of inactivity in Tracker, you will be automatically signed out. Read more...
Tracker’s notifications let you stay on top of story conversations as they evolve, whether you’re in the app or in your email inbox. Now when you click a comment or mention notification, Tracker highlights and takes you directly to that comment. Read more...
There’s a brand-new addition to the Bulk Actions menu when you select multiple stories: people! From here, you can easily replace the requester or owners on a bunch of stories. Rather than opening every story to make the changes individually, you can now do it in one spot. Read more...
Commit activity on a story can sometimes take over the conversation and make the activity stream unwieldy. No one likes to sift through seemingly endless commits to find what they need. Read more...
We’ve had epics out for quite some time now and I’d like to share some tips I’ve learned from teams at Pivotal Labs and Cloud Foundry. Read more...
Say farewell to time spent writing a long comment describing where something is wrong. Gone are the days of seeing a comment and wondering, “What?! I don’t see it.” Here(!) are the days of taking a screenshot, dropping a pin on it and appending a note to succinctly and specifically say what you want to say. Read more...
We’re excited about the latest round of features in the iOS Tracker App! We think they’ll make you faster at giving feedback and we’ve removed some of the noise when navigating a story. Read more...
You may be asking yourself, “Has something changed? Have you been working out? Did you cut your hair?”” The answer is Yes. Tracker has been redesigned for iOS 7. Read more...