Supported browsers

Pivotal Tracker supports the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

Supported Browsers Notes
Chrome Allows attaching images to comments via paste from clipboard.
Firefox Allows attaching images to comments via paste from clipboard. We do our best to support Firefox’s latest Extended Support Release (ESR). Some features on Pivotal Tracker may be disabled in older versions and require the latest version of Firefox.
Safari The click to copy feature is supported in Safari 10 and above.
Microsoft Edge Please disable any compatibility mode settings, as these are known to cause problems with Tracker.

Developer and beta versions

You may occasionally come across unexpected defects in developer and beta versions of our supported browsers. If you encounter a defect on in one of these experimental versions, please verify that it’s also reproducible in the stable version of the same browser. If the bug appears to only exist in the unstable version, we’d recommend reporting it to the browser developer.

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