Releases and Burndowns report

The Releases and Burndowns report is a summary of in-progress, upcoming, and completed releases. If a release has a target (scheduled) date, it will be shown, along with the estimated completion date.

Each release has a bar showing its progress towards completion and relative size compared to other releases. There are a couple of things you can do with this chart:

  • See the overall size, in terms of points or number of stories, along with the actual date a release was completed, or, if it’s still in progress, the ideal (scheduled) and estimated completion dates.

  • Drill down to see the details of any release, including its Burndown chart.

Using this report

Click Releases & Burndowns in the Analytics sidebar.

Choose to display counts for the total number of Points or Stories for the releases.

Only recently completed releases are shown by default. Click + show completed releases to see all releases completed within the last year.

Click view burndown next to a release see its Burndown chart and the accepted stories in it.

Epics report
Burndown Chart